My family
Here is a collection of the members of my family.
Me at the cobweb inn at Boscastle.
Me at the Eden project, St Austell, Cornwall 2001.
David Hudson, my brother at the Eden project 2001.
David holding some sort of football cup. (not a big a big fan of premier league football!)
Vivienne Hudson, my mam trying to smile after having a day in the sun with out a hat on, ( head aches!)
Mam on the beach while me and David happily play in the sea..............Yeah right brother and sister been nice to each other, just wouldn't happen when I was 14!! (2000)
Neil, my dad, well his real name is Norman Neil Hudson but he prefers Neil to Norman. But when you annoy him about it he takes it as a joke! Everybody says that he ALWAYS is smiling.
There we are again, smiling!!!
My Gran and Granda Brown (my Mams, Mam and Dad).
I know it sounds cheesy and I dont like to admit it alot especially on the internet that I love my family.
I have more pictures of my Gran and Granda Hudson, my Aunty and Uncle and 2 cousins, just have to find the pictures first!
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